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foot spa

  • 1 ♦ foot

    ♦ foot /fʊt/
    A n. (pl. feet)
    1 (anat. e di calza) piede: flat feet, piedi piatti; at my feet, ai miei piedi; with bare feet, a piedi nudi; to get to one's feet, alzarsi in piedi; to leap to one's feet, balzare in piedi; to tread on sb. 's foot, pestare un piede a q.; She stopped to rest her sore feet, si fermò per far riposare i piedi doloranti; on foot, a piedi; on one's feet, in piedi; I've been on my feet since six, sono in piedi dalle sei; non mi siedo dalle sei; (fam.) dead on one's feet, stanco morto
    2 (zool.) zampa; zoccolo
    3 passo; andatura: with a light foot, con passo leggero; swift of foot, veloce
    4 ( di cosa) piede, piedi; fondo; base; zoccolo; parte inferiore: the foot of a hill, i piedi d'un colle; at the foot of the page, in fondo alla pagina; a piè di pagina; in calce; at the foot of the bed [of the stairs], ai piedi del letto [della scala]; at the foot of the table, in fondo al tavolo
    5 (pl. feet, foot) ( misura di lunghezza) piede (pari a cm 30,48): six foot (o feet) tall, alto sei piedi; She's five-foot six, è alta cinque piedi e sei pollici; a ten-foot pole, una pertica di dieci piedi
    6 [u] (mil., stor. o form.) fanteria
    9 (chim.: pl. foots) residuo; sedimento; feccia
    10 (naut.: di vela) bordame; cazzame
    11 (ferr.) base, suola ( della rotaia)
    B a. attr.
    1 del piede; dei piedi; per i piedi: (relig.) foot-washing, lavanda dei piedi
    2 (mecc.) (azionato) a piede; a pedale: foot brake, freno a pedale; foot drill, trapano a piede; foot-pump, pompa a pedale
    3 (mil.) di fanteria; a piedi: foot guards, guardie a piedi; foot soldier, soldato di fanteria; fantaccino
    ● (vet.) foot-and-mouth disease, afta epizootica □ foot-bath, pediluvio □ (stor.) foot binding, pratica cinese di fasciare i piedi alle donne □ (fis., antiq.) foot-candle, candela-piede □ foot-dragging, temporeggiamento; il tirare per le lunghe; melina (fam.) □ ( tennis, squash) foot fault, fallo di piede □ (scherz.) foot-in-mouth disease, tendenza a fare gaffe □ ( USA) foot log, tronco d'albero usato come ponte □ foot-passenger, passeggero (o viaggiatore) a piedi (spec. su un traghetto); pedone □ (mecc.) foot-pound, piede libbra-forza □ ( sport) foot-race, corsa; gara podistica □ ( sport) foot racer, podista □ foot spa, pediluvio con idromassaggio; vasca per pediluvio □ ( sport) foot racing, corse a piedi; podismo □ foot rot, (vet.) zoppina; pedaina ( dei bovini e degli ovini); (bot.: delle piante) marciume pedale; ( sport, fam.) piede d'atleta □ foot rule, righello lungo un piede (30,48 cm); metro da muratore, falegname, ecc. □ foot scooter, monopattino □ foot support, appoggiapiedi; ( di calzatura) sostegno del piede □ foot switch, interruttore a pedale □ foot-tapping, ( di musica, ecc.) fortemente ritmato □ ( rugby) foot-up, fallo di alzata di piedi ( di un uomo di mischia) □ foot warmer, scaldapiedi; scaldino □ (relig.) foot washing, lavanda dei piedi □ feet first, coi piedi in avanti □ (fig.) feet of clay, piedi di argilla □ at foot, in calce; ( di animale) che sta vicino alla madre □ at sb. 's feet, ai piedi di q. cold feet = to get cold feet ► sotto □ to catch sb. on the wrong foot, cogliere q. sbilanciato; (fig.) prendere q. in contropiede □ to drag one's feet, strascicare i piedi; (fig.) traccheggiare, tirarla per le lunghe □ (fam.) to fall on one's feet, cadere in piedi (fig.); cavarsela □ to find one's feet, cominciare a camminare con sicurezza; (fig.) ambientarsi; prendere confidenza con qc.; cominciare a cavarsela □ (fam.) to get cold feet, prendersi paura e tirarsi indietro; ripensarci; fare marcia indietro; non sentirsela all'ultimo momento □ (fam.) to get (o to have) a foot in the door, riuscire a inserirsi ( in un ambiente, un mercato); ottenere un'apertura; farsi un'entratura □ (fam.) to get a foot in st., inserirsi in qc.; entrare a far parte di qc. to get one's feet under the table, installarsi saldamente □ to get one's feet wet, cominciare a prendere parte attiva in qc. to get (o to start) off on the right [wrong] foot, partire con il piede giusto [sbagliato] □ to go at a foot's pace, andare al passo; camminare □ (fam.) to go out feet first, uscire con i piedi in avanti; lasciarci la pelle (o la vita) □ to have (o to keep) a foot in both camps, riuscire a giostrare due cose, due attività, ecc.; tenere il piede in due staffe □ to have one foot in the grave, avere un piede nella fossa □ to have feet of clay, essere un gigante dai piedi d'argilla □ (fig.) to have [to keep] both feet on the ground, avere [tenere] i piedi per terra; essere realistico □ to have two left feet, essere un cattivo ballerino; ballare come un orso □ (fig.) to hold sb's feet to the fire, mettere q. alle strette □ to keep one's feet, rimanere in piedi; non perdere l'equilibrio □ (fam.) My foot!, un corno!; un accidente! □ off one's feet, (sollevato) da terra: to be swept off one's feet, essere sollevato di colpo da terra; (fig.) essere affascinato, essere conquistato □ on one's feet again (o back on one's feet), guarito; ristabilito; ripreso; di nuovo in piedi; (fig.) rimesso in sesto: to get a firm back on its feet, rimettere in sesto un'azienda □ to put a foot wrong, sbagliare; fare un errore; fare un passo falso □ (fam.) to put one's best foot forward, camminare di buon passo; (fig.) mettersi d'impegno, mettersi sotto, partire bene □ to put one's foot down, (fig.) opporsi energicamente; puntare i piedi; imporsi; essere fermo; (autom.) pigiare sull'acceleratore □ (fam.) to put one's foot in it (o in one's mouth), fare una gaffe; dirla grossa □ (fam.) to put one's feet up, sedersi e riposarsi; stendere le gambe □ to set foot in [on], mettere piede in; posare il piede su □ to stand on one's own (two) feet, essere indipendente, cavarsela da solo; camminare con le proprie gambe □ to start off on the right [wrong] foot, partire col piede giusto [sbagliato] □ to think on one's feet, decidere su due piedi; reagire subito □ under foot, per terra; sotto i piedi; (fig.) in proprio potere □ under sb. 's feet, tra i piedi; in mezzo: I don't want a dog under my feet, non voglio un cane tra i piedi NOTA D'USO: - andare a piedi-.
    (to) foot /fʊt/
    v. t.
    1 (fam.) pagare: to foot the bill, pagare il conto; sostenere le spese
    2 (arc.) ballare; danzare
    to foot it, camminare, andare a piedi; (arc.) ballare, danzare.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ foot

  • 2 foot

    foot [fʊt] (pl feet [fi:t])
    1 noun
    (a) (of person, cow, horse, pig) pied m; (of bird, cat, dog) patte f;
    I came on foot je suis venu à pied;
    to be on one's feet (standing) être ou se tenir debout; (after illness) être sur pied ou rétabli ou remis;
    she's on her feet all day elle est debout toute la journée;
    on your feet! debout!;
    the speech brought the audience to its feet l'auditoire s'est levé pour applaudir le discours;
    to get or to rise to one's feet se mettre debout, se lever;
    put your feet up reposez-vous un peu;
    to put or to set sb on their feet again (cure) remettre qn d'aplomb; (in business) remettre qn en selle;
    to set foot on land poser le pied sur la terre ferme;
    I've never set foot in her house je n'ai jamais mis les pieds dans sa maison;
    never set foot in this house again! ne remettez plus les pieds dans cette maison!;
    figurative we got the project back on its feet on a relancé le projet;
    it's slippery under foot c'est glissant par terre;
    the children are always under my feet les enfants sont toujours dans mes jambes;
    figurative to sit at sb's feet être le disciple de qn
    (b) (of chair, glass, lamp) pied m
    (c) (lower end → of bed, stocking) pied m; (→ of table) bout m; (→ of cliff, mountain, hill) pied m; (→ of page, stairs) bas m; (→ of column) base f;
    at the foot of the page au bas ou en bas de la page;
    at the foot of the stairs en bas de l'escalier;
    at the foot of the ladder/mountain au pied de l'échelle/de la montagne
    (d) (unit of measurement) pied m (anglais);
    to be five foot or feet high/thick avoir cinq pieds de haut(eur)/d'épaisseur;
    a 40-foot fall, a fall of 40 feet une chute de 40 pieds;
    familiar to feel ten feet tall être aux anges ou au septième ciel
    (e) Literature pied m
    (f) British Military infanterie f;
    the 42nd Foot le 42ème d'infanterie
    feet first les pieds devant;
    familiar the only way I'll leave this house is feet first je ne quitterai cette maison que les pieds devant;
    to run or to rush sb off their feet accabler qn de travail, ne pas laisser à qn le temps de souffler;
    I've been rushed off my feet all day je n'ai pas arrêté de toute la journée;
    familiar he claims he's divorced - divorced, my foot! il prétend être divorcé - divorcé, mon œil!;
    to fall or to land on one's feet retomber sur ses pieds;
    figurative to find one's feet s'adapter;
    figurative to get a foot in the door poser des jalons, établir le contact;
    figurative to have a foot in the door être dans la place;
    figurative well at least it's a foot in the door au moins, c'est un premier pas ou contact;
    to have a foot in both camps avoir un pied dans chaque camp;
    familiar to have one foot in the grave (person) avoir un pied dans la tombe; (business) être moribond ;
    figurative to have one's or both feet (firmly) on the ground avoir les pieds sur terre;
    familiar to have two left feet être pataud ou empoté;
    to have feet of clay avoir un point faible ou vulnérable, avoir une faiblesse de caractère;
    to put one's best foot forward (hurry) se dépêcher, presser le pas; (do one's best) faire de son mieux;
    right, best foot forward now (hurry) bon, dépêchons-nous; (do one's best) bon, faisons de notre mieux;
    figurative to put one's foot down faire acte d'autorité; Cars accélérer;
    familiar to put one's foot British in it or American in one's mouth mettre les pieds dans le plat;
    British she didn't put a foot wrong elle n'a pas commis la moindre erreur;
    British figurative I never seem able to put a foot right j'ai l'impression que je ne peux jamais rien faire comme il faut;
    to catch sb on the wrong foot prendre qn au dépourvu; Sport prendre qn à contre-pied;
    to get or to start off on the right/wrong foot être bien/mal parti;
    figurative the British boot or American shoe is on the other foot les rôles sont inversés
    he decided to foot it home il a décidé de rentrer à pied
    to foot the bill payer l'addition
    ►► foot control commande f au pied;
    American foot doctor podologue mf;
    Tennis foot fault faute f de pied;
    foot passenger piéton m (passager sans véhicule);
    British Military foot patrol patrouille f à pied;
    foot powder poudre f pour pieds;
    foot pump pompe f à pied;
    Botany & Veterinary medicine foot rot piétin m;
    foot soldier Military fantassin m; (of political party) militant(e) m,f de base;
    foot spa bain m de pieds à remous
    American familiar (add up → bill) additionner

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > foot

  • 3 club

    1. noun
    1) (a heavy stick etc used as a weapon.) porra
    2) (a bat or stick used in certain games (especially golf): Which club will you use?) palo
    3) (a number of people meeting for study, pleasure, games etc: the local tennis club.) club
    4) (the place where these people meet: He goes to the club every Friday.) club
    5) (one of the playing-cards of the suit clubs.) trébol

    2. verb
    (to beat or strike with a club: They clubbed him to death.) aporrear
    club n
    1. club
    2. porra

    club sustantivo masculino (pl
    clubs or -es) club;
    club juvenil youth club; club nocturno nightclub
    club sustantivo masculino club ' club' also found in these entries: Spanish: asociada - asociado - cuota - entrar - escalabrar - estaca - estatuto - garrote - gorila - haber - hípica - hípico - ingresar - inobservancia - inscribirse - invicta - invicto - palo - peña - sala - socia - socio - tablao - teleclub - trébol - videoclub - asociar - atlético - baja - bandera - boite - cachiporra - campestre - carné - casino - cineclub - deportivo - elitista - exclusividad - exclusivo - fichar - garrotazo - macana - mazo - selecto - sociedad - tranca - vestidor - vestier - vestuario English: AA - belong - bouncer - by-law - clientele - club - club sandwich - clubhouse - country club - due - exclude - fan club - fraternity - golf club - hostess - initiation - join - nightclub - nightly - Rotary Club - yacht club - ban - committee - dive - entrance - establishment - exclusive - fan - get - go - golf - guild - hot - iron - keen - meet - member - membership - night - putter - RAC - senior - society - spa - swing - yacht - youth
    1 (group, society) club nombre masculino
    3 (stick) porra, garrote nombre masculino
    4 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (in golf) palo
    1 aporrear, dar garrotazos a, pegar garrotazos a
    to be in the club estar en estado, estar embarazada
    to club somebody to death aporrear a alguien hasta matarlo
    club car SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL vagón nombre masculino de primera
    club foot SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL pie nombre masculino zopo, pie nombre masculino deforme
    club sandwich SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL sándwich nombre masculino de dos pisos
    club ['klʌb] vt, clubbed ; clubbing : aporrear, dar garrotazos a
    club n
    1) cudgel: garrote m, porra f
    2) : palo m
    golf club: palo de golf
    3) : trébol m (naipe)
    4) association: club m
    palo (Golf) (•Deporte•) s.m.
    garrote adj.
    agrupación s.f.
    ateneo s.m.
    cachiporra s.f.
    casino s.m.
    clava s.f.
    club s.m.
    círculo s.m.
    estaca s.f.
    garrote s.m.
    peña s.f.
    porra s.f.
    achocar v.
    aporrear v.
    unirse para el mismo fin v.
    a) ( cudgel) garrote m, cachiporra f
    b) ( golf club) palo m de golf
    2) (society, association) club m

    to join a club — hacerse* socio de un club

    a) ( Games) clubs pl ( suit) (+ sing or pl vb) tréboles mpl; ( in Spanish pack) bastos mpl
    b) ( for dancing) discoteca f

    - bb- transitive verb aporrear, darle* garrotazos a


    to go clubbing — ir* de discoteca, ir* de marcha (Esp fam), carretear (Chi fam)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=stick) porra f, cachiporra f
    2) (=golf club) palo m
    3) clubs (Cards) (in Spanish pack) bastos mpl ; (in conventional pack) tréboles mpl
    4) (=association) club m ; (=gaming club) casino m ; (=building) centro m, club m

    join the club! — (fig) ¡ya somos dos!

    to be in the clubhum estar en estado

    5) (=disco) discoteca f
    VT [+ person] aporrear, dar porrazos a

    to club together(esp Brit) (=join forces) unir fuerzas


    club car N(US) (Rail) coche m club

    club class Nclase f club

    club foot Npie m zopo

    club member Nsocio(-a) m / f del club

    club sandwich Nbocadillo vegetal con pollo y beicon

    club soda N(US) agua f de soda

    club steak N(US) bistec m culer

    * * *
    a) ( cudgel) garrote m, cachiporra f
    b) ( golf club) palo m de golf
    2) (society, association) club m

    to join a club — hacerse* socio de un club

    a) ( Games) clubs pl ( suit) (+ sing or pl vb) tréboles mpl; ( in Spanish pack) bastos mpl
    b) ( for dancing) discoteca f

    - bb- transitive verb aporrear, darle* garrotazos a


    to go clubbing — ir* de discoteca, ir* de marcha (Esp fam), carretear (Chi fam)

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > club

  • 4 Bath

    1. noun
    , pl. baths
    1) Bad, das

    have or take a bath — ein Bad nehmen

    2) (vessel)

    bath[-tub] — Badewanne, die

    3) usu. in pl. (building) Bad, das

    [swimming-] baths — Schwimmbad, das

    2. transitive & intransitive verb
    * * *
    1. plural - baths; noun
    1) (a large container for holding water in which to wash the whole body: I'll fill the bath with water for you.) die Badewanne
    2) (an act of washing in a bath: I had a bath last night.) das Bad
    3) (a container of liquid etc in which something is immersed: a bird bath.) das Bad
    2. verb
    (to wash in a bath: I'll bath the baby.) baden
    - academic.ru/115255/bathchair">bathchair
    - bathroom
    - bathtub
    * * *
    [bɑ:θ, AM bæθ]
    I. n
    1. (tub) [Bade]wanne f; (room) Bad[ezimmer] nt
    2. (water) Bad[ewasser] nt
    sorry, I'm in the \bath tut mir leid, ich sitze gerade in der Badewanne
    to run [sb/oneself] a \bath [jdm/sich] ein Bad einlassen [o einlaufen lassen
    3. (washing) Bad nt
    to give sb/sth a \bath jdn/etw baden
    to have [or esp AM take] a \bath ein Bad nehmen, baden
    4. MED
    \baths pl Bäder pl; (spa town) Heilbad nt, Kurbad nt
    5. BRIT, AUS ( dated: pool)
    \baths pl, + sing/pl vb [Schwimm]bad nt, Badeanstalt f
    6. CHEM (liquid) Bad nt; (container) Behälter m
    II. n modifier (oil, water) Bade-
    \bath essence Badezusatz m
    \bath pillow Kopfpolster nt für die Badewanne
    \bath rack Badewannenablage f
    \bath rail Badewannengriff m
    \bath scales Personenwaage f
    \bath toys Spielzeug nt für die Badewanne
    \bath window Bad[ezimmer]fenster nt
    III. vi [sich akk] baden
    IV. vt
    to \bath sb/a baby jdn/ein Baby baden
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Bad nt

    to have or take a bath — baden, ein Bad nehmen (geh)

    blood bath, Turkish etc
    2) (= bathtub) (Bade)wanne f

    I was just in my or the bathich war or saß gerade im Bad or in der Wanne (inf)


    baths pl (Hist)Bäder pl, Badeanlagen pl

    (swimming) baths pl(Schwimm)bad nt

    (public) baths plBadeanstalt f, öffentliches Bad

    4) (TECH, CHEM, PHOT) Bad nt; (= container) Behälter m
    5) (Brit)
    2. vt (Brit)
    3. vi (Brit)
    (sich) baden
    * * *
    Bath [bɑːθ] Eigenn Bath n (Stadt und Badeort in England)
    * * *
    1. noun
    , pl. baths
    1) Bad, das

    have or take a bath — ein Bad nehmen

    bath[-tub] — Badewanne, die

    3) usu. in pl. (building) Bad, das

    [swimming-] baths — Schwimmbad, das

    2. transitive & intransitive verb
    * * *
    Bad ¨-er n.
    Badewanne f.

    English-german dictionary > Bath

  • 5 bath

    1. noun
    , pl. baths
    1) Bad, das

    have or take a bath — ein Bad nehmen

    2) (vessel)

    bath[-tub] — Badewanne, die

    3) usu. in pl. (building) Bad, das

    [swimming-] baths — Schwimmbad, das

    2. transitive & intransitive verb
    * * *
    1. plural - baths; noun
    1) (a large container for holding water in which to wash the whole body: I'll fill the bath with water for you.) die Badewanne
    2) (an act of washing in a bath: I had a bath last night.) das Bad
    3) (a container of liquid etc in which something is immersed: a bird bath.) das Bad
    2. verb
    (to wash in a bath: I'll bath the baby.) baden
    - academic.ru/115255/bathchair">bathchair
    - bathroom
    - bathtub
    * * *
    [bɑ:θ, AM bæθ]
    I. n
    1. (tub) [Bade]wanne f; (room) Bad[ezimmer] nt
    2. (water) Bad[ewasser] nt
    sorry, I'm in the \bath tut mir leid, ich sitze gerade in der Badewanne
    to run [sb/oneself] a \bath [jdm/sich] ein Bad einlassen [o einlaufen lassen
    3. (washing) Bad nt
    to give sb/sth a \bath jdn/etw baden
    to have [or esp AM take] a \bath ein Bad nehmen, baden
    4. MED
    \baths pl Bäder pl; (spa town) Heilbad nt, Kurbad nt
    5. BRIT, AUS ( dated: pool)
    \baths pl, + sing/pl vb [Schwimm]bad nt, Badeanstalt f
    6. CHEM (liquid) Bad nt; (container) Behälter m
    II. n modifier (oil, water) Bade-
    \bath essence Badezusatz m
    \bath pillow Kopfpolster nt für die Badewanne
    \bath rack Badewannenablage f
    \bath rail Badewannengriff m
    \bath scales Personenwaage f
    \bath toys Spielzeug nt für die Badewanne
    \bath window Bad[ezimmer]fenster nt
    III. vi [sich akk] baden
    IV. vt
    to \bath sb/a baby jdn/ein Baby baden
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Bad nt

    to have or take a bath — baden, ein Bad nehmen (geh)

    blood bath, Turkish etc
    2) (= bathtub) (Bade)wanne f

    I was just in my or the bathich war or saß gerade im Bad or in der Wanne (inf)


    baths pl (Hist)Bäder pl, Badeanlagen pl

    (swimming) baths pl(Schwimm)bad nt

    (public) baths plBadeanstalt f, öffentliches Bad

    4) (TECH, CHEM, PHOT) Bad nt; (= container) Behälter m
    5) (Brit)
    2. vt (Brit)
    3. vi (Brit)
    (sich) baden
    * * *
    bath [bɑːθ; US bæθ]
    A pl baths [-ðz] s
    1. (Wannen)Bad n:
    a) auch have a bath baden, ein Bad nehmen
    b) US sl (finanziell) baden gehen umg (on bei)
    2. Badewasser n
    3. (Bade)Wanne f
    4. Bad n, Badezimmer n
    5. meist pl Bad n:
    a) Br Badeanstalt f
    b) Heil-, Kurbad n, Badeort m
    6. CHEM, FOTO
    a) Bad n (Behandlungsflüssigkeit)
    b) Behälter m dafür
    7. the Order of the Bath Br der Bathorden
    B v/t Br ein Kind etc baden
    C v/i Br ein Bad nehmen
    * * *
    1. noun
    , pl. baths
    1) Bad, das

    have or take a bath — ein Bad nehmen

    bath[-tub] — Badewanne, die

    3) usu. in pl. (building) Bad, das

    [swimming-] baths — Schwimmbad, das

    2. transitive & intransitive verb
    * * *
    Bad ¨-er n.
    Badewanne f.

    English-german dictionary > bath

  • 6 take13

    1) take smb., smth. by (in, between, with, etc.) smth. take a child by the hand (him by the sleeve, an axe by the handle, a pen in one's hand, a stick between one's finger and thumb, coal with a pair of tongs, a butterfly with one's fingers, etc.) взять ребенка за руку и т.д.; take a man by the throat схватить /взять/ человека за горло; take a baby in one's arms взять ребенка на руки; he took a girl (me, his son, etc.) in his arms он обнял девушку и т.д.; take the stick between one's knees зажать палку между колен; take one's head between one's hands обхватить голову руками; take the trunk on one's back взвалить сундук себе на спину; take the bit between one's teeth закусить удила; take smth. from (from under, out of, etc.) smth. take a book from the table (a corkscrew from the shelf, etc.) взять книгу со стола и т.д.; take some paper from /out of/ a drawer (the fruit out of a bag, a handkerchief out of /from/ one's pocket, the pins out of one's hair, a cigarette out of the box, one's hands out of one's pockets, etc.) вытаскивать /вынимать/ бумагу из ящика и т.д.: take a box from under a chair вытаскивать ящик из-под стула; the dog took the food from my hand собака ела /брала пищу/ у меня из рук; take your hand off my shoulder (your foot off my toe, etc.) уберите руку с моего плеча и т.д.; can you take the spot out of these pants? можно вывести это пятно с брюк?; it took all the fun out of the game это испортило все удовольствие от игры; take smth. from smb. take a bone from a dog (the knife from the baby, the record from him, etc.) отбирать /отнимать/ кость у собаки и т.д. || take smb. under one's wing взять кого-л. под свое крылышко /под свою защиту/
    2) || take smb. in marriage жениться на ком-л. или выйти замуж за кого-л.; take a widow in marriage жениться на вдове, взять в жены вдову
    3) take smb., smth. with smb. take one's son (an assistant, a doctor, some money, a book, an overnight bag, etc.) with one захватить /взять с собой/ своего сына и т.д.; take me with you возьмите меня с собой; take letters with one (one's lunch with one, provisions with one, etc.) взять /захватить/ эти письма с собой и т.д.; take an umbrella with you прихватите [с собой] зонтик; take smth. to some place take the dishes to the kitchen (these letters to the post, the parcel to his house, etc.) относить тарелки на кухню и т.д.; take smth. to smb. take flowers to sick friends (your message to her, a book to your teacher, etc.) относить цветы больным друзьям и т.д.; take the news to him сообщить ему эту новость; take the matter to a lawyer пойти с этим делом к юристу; take smb. to smth. take the children to the cinema (one's wife to the theatre, etc.) сводить детей в кино и т.д.; take a friend to lunch угостить друга завтраком; take a girl to a dance сводить девушку на танцы; take smb. for smth. take a dog for a walk вывести собаку на прогулку
    4) take smth. from smb., smth. take presents from boy-friends (flowers from them, assistance from the government, etc.) принимать подарки от поклонников и т.д.
    5) take smth. for smth. take the blame for his failure (for her mistake, etc.) принять на себя вину за его провал и т.д.; take smth. upon oneself he takes a great deal upon himself он очень много на себя берет; take smth. for (of) smth. upon oneself take the responsibility for his safety (the office of president, the duties of a teacher, etc.) upon oneself взять на себя ответственность за его безопасность и т.д.; take it upon oneself to do smth. take it upon oneself to speak to them (to give orders, to say that, to speak to him personally, etc.) взять на себя /согласиться/ поговорить с ними и т.д.; take smth. with smth. take his remark (their advice, a compliment, etc.) with a smile (with a frown, with a laugh, etc.) встречать /реагировать на/ его замечание и т.д. улыбкой и т.д. || take smth. in bad part /in the wrong way/ принимать /истолковывать/ что-л. превратно; take smth. in good part не обижаться на что-л.; take smb. into one's confidence довериться кому-л.; take smb. into the secret доверить /поверить/ кому-л. тайну
    6) || take smb.'s side /smb.'s part/ in smth. встать на чью-л. сторону в чем-л.; take smb.'s side /smb.'s part/ in an argument /in a controversy/ (in a quarrel, in a fight, etc.) встать на чью-л. сторону в споре и т.д.; take advantage of smth. воспользоваться чем-л.; take advantage of smb.'s offer (of his presence, of her position, etc.) воспользоваться чьим-л. предложением и т.д.; take advantage of smb.'s trust (of her love', etc.) злоупотреблять чьим-л. доверием и т.д.
    7) take smth. for smth., smb. take a hall for a meeting (this room for my cousin, this suite for my friend, this building for a hospital, etc.) снимать зал для собрания /под собрание/ и т.д.; take smth. in some place take a house in the country (rooms in the suburbs, etc.) снимать дом загородом и т.д.; take smth. for some time take a cottage (a room, a house, etc.) for the summer (for a year, etc.) снимать /арендовать/ дачу и т.д. на лето и т.д.
    8) take smb. into smth. take your brother into the business взять вашего брата компаньоном в наше дело; take her into service брать ее на службу; take them into our firm принять их [на службу] в нашу фирму
    9) take smth. in smth. take a job in the city (a job in an office, etc.) наняться на работу в городе и т.д.; take a post in the firm занять какую-л. должность в фирме
    10) take smth. to (at, in, etc.) some place take a car to the ferry (a freighter to Europe, a train to Boston, etc.) поехать машиной до переправы и т.д.; take a plane to the North полететь самолетом на север; take a train at (in) N сесть на поезд в N
    11) take smth. for smth. take 25 dollars for the use of his car брать двадцать пять долларов за пользование машиной; will you take a check for the bill? можно уплатить вам по счету чеком?; what will you take for it? сколько вы за это хотите?; the man won't take a cent less for the car он не согласен уступить за машину ни цента
    12) take smb. on (in, across, over, etc.) smth. the blow took him on the nose (across the face, over the head, in the stomach, etc.) удар пришелся ему по носу и т.д.
    13) take smth. by smth. take a fortress (a place, a town, etc.) by force (by storm, by a ruse, by a clever manoeveur, etc.) захватить крепость и т.д. силой и т.д. || take smb. by surprise захватить кого-л. врасплох; take smb. in the act поймать /застать/ кого-л. на месте преступления
    14) take smth. from (off, out of) smth. take two from seven (one number from another, a sum out of one's income, etc.) вычесть два из семи и т.д.; this make-up took ten years off her age благодаря косметике она выглядит на десять лет моложе; they took it out of his pay они удержали это из его зарплаты; take 20 per cent off the price снизить цену на двадцать процентов; take a turn off the programme снять выступление /номер/, исключить выступление /номер/ из программы; take the dead leaves and branches off a plant обобрать сухие листья и ветви с растения; take the lid off the saucepan (a saucepan off the fire, etc.) снимать крышку с кастрюли и т.д.; take smb. off smth. take him off his work отстранять его от работы; take her off the assignment отобрать у нее это поручение; take them off the list вычеркнуть их из списка || take smth., smb. off smb.'s hands избавлять кого-л. от чего-л., кого-л.; I'll take it off your hands at t 10 я куплю это у вас за десять фунтов
    15) take smth. in smth. take the first prize in a competition (the highest mark in a subject, the first prize in Latin, first class honours in the tripos examination, etc.) получить первый приз на соревнованиях и т.д.; take the first place in a chess tournament занять первое место в шахматном турнире; take smth. at some place take one's degree at Oxford получать степень в Оксфорде; take i 100 at Ascot выиграть сто фунтов на скачках в Аскете
    16) || take a liking fancy/ to smth., smb. проникнуться добрыми чувствами к кому-л., чему-л.; he took a liking to this house (to this village, to a picture, etc.) ему понравился этот дом и т.д.; he took a liking to my sister ему приглянулась моя сестра; take a dislike to smb., smth. невзлюбить кого-л., что-л.; she took a dislike to me я ей не понравился; take an interest in smb., smth. заинтересоваться кем-л., чем-л.; take an interest in politics (in one's work, in one's neighbours, etc.) интересоваться политикой и т.д., проявлять интерес к политике и т.д.
    17) || take time over smth. не спешить делать что-л.; take one's time over the job не спеша выполнять работу; he took an hour over his dinner он обедал целый час
    19) take a certain size in smth. take tens in boots (sixes in gloves, etc.) носить десятый размер обуви и т.д.
    20) take smth. in (at) some place take one's meals in a hotel (at a restaurant, etc.) питаться в гостинице и т.д.; take the waters at a spa лечиться водами на курорте; take smth. with (in) smth. take cream with one's coffee (sugar in one's tea, etc.) пить кофе со сливками и т.д.; take smth. for smth. take an aspirin for a headache (some new medicine for one's liver, pills for insomnia, etc.) принимать аспирин от головной боли и т.д.; take smth. after (before, with) smth. take one tablet after each meal (a spoonful before dinner, a pill with milk, etc.) принимать по одной таблетке после каждой еды и т.д.
    21) take smth. to (at, for, etc.) smth. take tickets to the theatre (a box at the opera, seats for Hamlet, etc.) брать /покупать/ билеты в театр и т.д.
    22) take smb. in smth. take smb. in a new dress (in cap and gown, in a swim-suit, etc.) сфотографировать /снять/ кого-л. /, сделать чей-л. снимок/ в новом платье и т.д.; take smth. from smth. take a print from a negative отпечатать фотографию с негатива
    23) take smb., smth. for smb., smth. take you for someone else (him for an Englishman, the painting for a genuine Rembrandt, everything for truth, etc.) принимать вас за кого-то другого и т.д.; what do you take me for? за кого вы меня принимаете?; do you take me for a fool? вы что, меня дураком считаете?; take smb., smth. at (on) smth. they take the total population of the country at two and a half million они считают /полагают/, что население страны равно двум с половиной миллионам человек; I suppose we must take it at that я полагаю, мы должны поставить на этом точку; I take it on your say-so я соглашаюсь с этим, потому что вы так говорите /доверяю вам/
    24) take some subject's) in (at) smth. take as many subjects as possible in one's university days в студенческие годы изучать как можно больше дисциплин; she took four courses in her freshman year на первом курсе она изучала четыре предмета; she took French at school французский язык она изучала в школе; take smth. for (as) smth. I shall take this topic for my composition я возьму эту тему для сочинения; he took China as his subject oil выбрал Китай в качестве темы || take smth. in the examination сдавать экзамен по какому-л. предмету; take French in the exam держать экзамен по французскому языку
    25) take smb. in smth. take children in German давать детям уроки немецкого языка; take him in Latin заниматься с ним по латыни /латынью/
    26) take smth. during /at/ smth. take notes during /at/ a lecture вести конспект во время лекции, записывать лекцию; take smth. of smth. take notes of all he says (of all that passes, etc.) записывать все, что он говорит и т.д.; take minutes of the proceedings веста протокол заседания; take smth. on (in, by, from) smth. take a broadcast on tape (an film, etc.) записывать передачу на магнитную ленту и т.д.; take the minutes of a meeting in /by/ shorthand стенографировать протокол; take smth. from dictation писать что-л. под диктовку; take a letter from dictation писать письмо под диктовку
    27) take smth. from smth., smb. take its title from the name of the hero (a name from the place of battle, its name from the inventor, etc.) называться /получить название/ по имени героя и т.д.; take a passage from a book (a whole passage straight from Dickens, a quotation from his novel, etc.) взять отрывок из книги и т.д.; we take our numbers from the Arabs (our letters from the Romans, etc.) наша система цифр идет от /заимствована у/ арабов и т.д.
    28) take smb. in smth. the cold took me in the chest у меня [от простуды] заложило грудь
    29) take smth. to smth. take the next turning (road, street, etc.) to the left (to the right) свернуть налево (направо) у следующего поворота и т.д.; take the road to London (to the North, etc.) поехать по дороге [, ведущей] в Лондон и т.д.
    30) take smb. (in)to (through, across, etc.) some place take the man to the hospital (your friend to the station, the box to the hotel, her into the country, etc.) отправить /отвезти/ человека в больницу и т.д. ; they took him into a small room (into prison, into a cell, etc.) ere отвели или поместили в маленькую комнату и т.д.; the road (this path, the street, etc.) will take you to the river (to the village, through the centre of the town, etc.) эта дорога и т.д. приведет вас к реке и т.д.; the bus will take you into town (to London, etc.) этот автобус привезет /доставит/ вас в город и т.д.; only a tram will take you across the bridge через мост можно проехать только трамваем; take him over the house (the visitors round a museum, etc.) водить его по дому /показывать ему дом/ и т.д.; the work (business, etc.) took us to Paris эта работа и т.д. привела нас в Париж; take smb. into custody взять кого-л. под стражу; take smb. to smb. take a son to his mother отвести сына к матери; take smb. out of smth. take her out of the room выведите ее из комнаты; take him out of my way уберите его с моей дороги; take smth. from (out of, etc.) smth. take the case from court to court передавать дело из одного суда в другой; take the case out of court забрать дело из суда
    31) take smb. through smth. take the boy through a book (through the first two chapters, through his first job, etc.) помочь мальчику прочесть книгу и т.д.; take smb. through college помочь кому-л. [деньгами] окончить колледж; save enough money to take you through college скопить достаточную сумму [денег], чтобы заплатить за обучение в колледже
    32) aux || take pride in smth. гордиться чем-л.; take pride in his schoolwork (in one's appearance, in one's house and garden, etc.) гордиться своей работой или своими успехами в школе и т.д.; take credit for smth. приписывать себе /ставить себе в заслугу/ что-л.; he took credit for my work он приписал себе мои достижения; take offence at smth. обижаться /сердиться/ на что-л.; take offence at his remarks /at what he said/ сердиться на его замечания; take part in smth. принимать участие в чем-л.; take part in an enterprise (in the demonstration, in smb.'s sorrows, etc.) принимать участие в предприятии и т.д.; take pity on smb. пожалеть кого-л.; сжалиться над кем-л.; take pity on the poor man (on the losers, on the boy, etc.) пожалеть несчастного человека и т.д.; take notice of smb., smth. обратить внимание на кого-л., что-л.; don't take notice of him не обращайте на него внимания; take charge of smth., smb. принимать на себя ответственность за что-л., кого-л., take charge of the luggage (of the house, of the children, etc.) заняться багажом и т.д.; who is taking charge of the work while you are away? кто руководит работой в ваше отсутствие?; take care of smth., smb. (по)заботиться о чем-л., ком-л.; he will take care of that matter (of the account, etc.) он займется этим вопросом и т.д.; she will take саге of the baby она присмотрит за ребенком; take possession of smth. завладеть чем-л.; take hold of smth., smb. ухватиться за что-л., кого-л.; take hold of the rope (of the rail, of her arm, of the man, etc.) ухватиться за веревку и т.д.; take smb., smth. in hand взять кого-л., что-л. в руки; he took himself firmly in hand он взял себя в руки, он овладел собой; take smth., smb. into consideration /into account/ принимать что-л., кого-л. во внимание; take all these facts (the circumstances, her request, etc.) into consideration /into account/ принять во внимание /учесть/ все эти факты и т.д.; take it into one's head to do smth. (that...) coll. забрать себе в голову сделать что-л. (, что...)
    33) aux take smth. in (at, after, on, etc.) smth. take a seat in the rear сесть /занять место/ позади /сзади/; take a swing at the ball замахнуться для удара по мячу; take a nap after dinner вздремнуть после обеда; take an oath on smth. поклясться в чем-л. || take a glance round one бросить взгляд вокруг, оглядеться; take leave of smb. попрощаться с кем-л.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > take13

  • 7 Bath

    1. n геогр. Бат
    2. n купание; мытьё

    blood bath — кровавая баня, резня

    bath point — обмывочный пункт; баня, душевая

    to have a bath — принимать ванну; мыться, купаться

    3. n вода в ванне
    4. n ванная комната
    5. n обыкн. баня; купальня; водолечебница

    vapour bath — паровая ванна или баня; парильня

    6. n спец. ванна
    7. n спец. расплав
    8. n полигр. текст. фото, ванна, ванночка; раствор
    9. v мыть, купать
    10. v мыться, купаться
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. ablution (noun) ablution; cleansing
    2. bath water (noun) bath water; douche; eyewash; rinse; shampoo; spray; suds; tubful; wash
    3. bathroom (noun) bathroom; lavatory; powder room; public baths; sauna; shower; shower room; spa; tub; washroom
    4. washing (noun) bathtub; dip; immersion; showering; soak; soaking; steam bath; washing

    English-Russian base dictionary > Bath

См. также в других словарях:

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